Look What I Found!

Haha! Look at that! See that? "Pishon - Freely Flowing"

Say what?!?!

Incredible! One of the four rivers from Eden was named "freely flowing"!! I have looked this up in other sources - this one is from my "New Open Study Bible - NASB version. (Which I love by the way AND they have quit making. That Bible picture in the first few blog posts? This one. Very worn from use!) Not everyone defines this word in just exactly this way. But this really has metaphorical significance to me. (I even thought about how to incorporate this into the blog name or something as I've seen other anonymous blogs do.)

As I've said in previous posts, I've seen more and more how God uses word-pictures in the Scriptures to show us what He means. The fact that one of the "rivers" coming from Eden - the "garden of God" is called "freely flowing" was jaw-dropping for me when I came across this. As I wrote in  my first post, it has been super important to be able to let life-giving "water" flow without reservation.

And here I am - nearly 2 years later with only FIVE published blog posts.


NOT freely flowing.

I have been writing still - trying to get my thoughts into a semblance OF flow - rather than random and unconnected bits. I think it is actually taking away from the energy I have for the blog. It is making the blog heavy for me. So - I'm posting this fun and meaningful post I've had in my "pocket" (found this awhile ago!) as a way to try to break through all that.

Yes, I do hope to write coherently. (a BIG fear of mine - that the people I most want to hear my heart - won't because I don't hardly ever seem to come across - in speaking - in a clear and concise manner - yet. I've been told I'm not that way in writing.) I've been working to get back to that idea of "two selves" I left off with here - for most all this time I haven't written. There are a few pieces missing and I'm stalled, waiting on them. See, I want to build the topics upward - often like a book does toward it's main point. Doing that - has been extremely hard. So - since I'm a "beginner" writer (though a private-journaler for most all my life), I guess I will have to start with where I can and then go from there. I really don't have all the puzzle-pieces in place on the topics that I want to write about. I only have some. That's how things seem to come to me. I get one piece and over time I see how it connects to another piece and pretty soon there is this whole weaving going on in my head... I'd love to share those weavings but the connections are many and I'm not sure where to start, and demands for time DO NOT allow for large writing periods for large weavings... (I know I've said all this before - just admitting this is fearful for me again). So maybe some of the little weavings - like this little bit - can just get put out there to people anyway. I need to keep this river FLOWING!! The "garden of God" was made with this particular way that water came from it, so I realize, that I too, need to have this in a place of close relationship with God.

This is my way of letting you know there may be little, random-seeming, break-away thoughts or posts that pop of from time to time. This is just my way of trying to keep this going as I work through the larger interconnected topics that are deep in my heart of what I want to share.

I'm still here.

I still want to share.

I hope you'll still come with me.


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