
Showing posts from 2016

In a Picture

I f you are wondering why I haven't posted more regularly yet, let me explain: This is what it is like to get my words, my thoughts, and my life to line up right now to set the beautiful things inside of me free for others to read! I continue to work on as-yet unpublished posts as I have time to put them together. When I finally do manage to get a post up it is so energizing to my soul. I am more and more excited to write - now to be patient during this process! In gazing at this picture that so perfectly captures what I am trying to say, I also saw something deeper. ;) If I am the rainbow colors and the black is the mess I am entangled in (life's blackness and sin) - what might seem to me like an unraveling - might just be the Father's Way of untangling and setting free. May we continue to allow this process and I thank you for your grace along the Way.

Thinking Differently

I t has been unbelievably hard for me to write. I love to write and yet, taking this to a public place has stood me before some scary fears - giants , if you will. One of my giants is that I see things differently than many people. (Which has the curious effect of taking me away from people, whom I feel deeply pulled to help.) I think it is important that you get to know that if you are to connect with me or understand more of this blog. Allow me to explain a bit more. Over the last year, I have come to learn more about myself, as this is vital to knowing my strengths and weaknesses and how, perhaps I could find myself in such a place (internally) as I am now. Personality tests have given me insight into this over the years (though I have fought chalking everything up to personality) and I have learned I am an INFJ. These personalities are the rarest in society (easy to be misunderstood in that way). And they think differently and often have trouble expressing their though...