
Showing posts from February, 2016

Thinking Differently

I t has been unbelievably hard for me to write. I love to write and yet, taking this to a public place has stood me before some scary fears - giants , if you will. One of my giants is that I see things differently than many people. (Which has the curious effect of taking me away from people, whom I feel deeply pulled to help.) I think it is important that you get to know that if you are to connect with me or understand more of this blog. Allow me to explain a bit more. Over the last year, I have come to learn more about myself, as this is vital to knowing my strengths and weaknesses and how, perhaps I could find myself in such a place (internally) as I am now. Personality tests have given me insight into this over the years (though I have fought chalking everything up to personality) and I have learned I am an INFJ. These personalities are the rarest in society (easy to be misunderstood in that way). And they think differently and often have trouble expressing their though...